Tabletop Conversations with Mom
I have been told that some things are "Taught" and others are "Caught". I can honestly say that unconditional love, compassion, and the power of encouragement were just a few of the Godly traits that I "Caught" from Mom . . usually during one of our many Coveted Conversations. - Marilyn
Coveted Conversations with my Mother were always authentic. We live in a world where it is often difficult to tell reality from fiction. Not being able to tell what is true and what is false. At the core of any authentic conversation is the ability to be truthful. It is invaluable to have another human being to share life with, a person who will be truthful with you and you can be truthful with them. It is always comforting to know we can be who we really are with Mom. Not fake, but real and genuine. - Shailendra
Most of the conversations I had with my Mom began with a question from me and ended with an opportunity to learn and grow from her. Mom was sure to always give me an attentive ear and then share a personal experience that convinced me she thoroughly understood my situation. - Jennifer